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Csonka’s ROH War of The Worlds Review 5.09.18

May 9, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
the kingdom roh
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Csonka’s ROH War of The Worlds Review 5.09.18  

Csonka’s ROH War of The Worlds Review 5.09.18

Non-Title Match: Champions The Briscoes defeated Flip Gordon & Jushin Liger @ 11:55 via pin [***¼]
– Tenillle Dashwood & Sumie Sakai defeated Deonna Purrazzo and Skylar @ 8:00 via pin [**]
– Coast 2 Coast defeated The Kingdom @ 8:35 via pin [**]
– Cheeseburger defeated Bully Ray @ 5:17 via countout [NR]
– Bullet Club defeated Roppongi 3k @ 14:55 via pin [***]
– Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, & SANADA defeated Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, & Brian Milonas @ 9:50 via pin [**¼]
Non-Title Match: Chuckie T defeated Jay White & Jay Lethal @ 10:55 via pin [***]
ROH Six-Man Tag Title Match: The Kingdom defeated Champions So Cal Uncensored @ 14:20 via pin [***½]
– The Young Bucks defeated BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi @ 14:40 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– My preview for the show is at this link.

– Cabana & Whitmer are on commentary.

ROH Tag Team Champions The Briscoes vs. Flip Gordon & Jushin Liger: Mark and Gordon start things off. Mark grounds things right away; Gordon then starts to pick up the pace and frustrates Mark. Gordon dumps him and teases a dive, and tags in Liger. Jay in as well, and he attacks with kicks and strikes. Liger cuts him off, and dumps Mark. Tags back in and the champions cut him off but Gordon lays in kicks. He follows with rights, Mark distracts him, allowing Jay to attack. The champions work quick tags and Mark hits a suplex. Jay back in and more double teams follow. Gordon fights back and tags in Liger. Shoteis for the Briscoes follow. The champions dump Gordon and then dump Liger. After some floor brawling, they roll Liger back in and work him over in the corner. Mark takes control, and grounds Liger. Jay tags back in, and he keeps Liger grounded as Mark is back in, but Liger cuts him off and Gordon gets the hot tag. He runs wild and hits a tope. Gordon is fired up, back in and hits Samoan pop and the running shooting star for 2. He dumps Jay and Liger wipes him out with an apron cannonball. Shotei by Liger! Gordon up top and the 450 connects but Jay makes the save. It breaks down, low blow to Liger and one to Gordon as well. Jay hits Gordon with a neck breaker for 2. Gordon fights out of the cutthroat driver, but gets cut off. The Briscoes hit red neck boogie for the win. Champions The Briscoes defeated Flip Gordon & Jushin Liger @ 11:55 via pin [***¼] This was a good back and forth opener, with a good energy to kick off the show.

Deonna Purrazzo and Skylar vs. Tenillle Dashwood & Sumie Sakai: Sakai is replacing Brandi Rhodes, who is injured. Dashwood is coming off of a shoulder injury. Sakai and Deonna to begin. Deonna attacks with chops right away. Sakai hits a head scissors but Deonna grounds things and gets a cradle for 2. Sakai counters the arm bar, and hits a suplex. Skylar tags in and so does Dashwood. They work some counters, Dashwood takes her down and then hits a Russian leg sweep for 2. Sakai tags in and they work double teams. Sakai up top and hits a high cross for 2. Deonna tags in but Sakai lays in Mongolian chops. Deonna fires back with a suplex, but Sakai rolls her up for 2. Deonna fires back with a German and knocks Dashwood to the floor. Skylar back in and lays in ground and pound on Sakai. The knee strike and DDT follows for 2. Sakai fires back, but eats an up kick for 2. Deonna tags back in and the clothesline follows on Sakai for 2. Sakai hits a Saito suplex to escape a sleeper, and wholesale changes to Dashwood and Skylar. Dashwood runs wild with clotheslines and then the tarantula follows. Dashwood hits a butterfly suplex on Deonna as it breaks down. Dashwood hits the running boot and finishes Skylar. Tenillle Dashwood & Sumie Sakai defeated Deonna Purrazzo and Skylar @ 8:00 via pin [**] This was ok, and the work was fine, but there was almost no heat at all for this.

– Post match, Kelly Klein attacks Purrazzo and they have a big pull-apart brawl. They face off on Sunday.

– ROH Champion Dalton Castle arrives. Castle takes a seat on the boys and puts over the crowd. He then says that we are about to hit 6-months of him as champion. He’s taken the title all over the world, and now, he’s here to defend against Matt Taven tonight. But then says the match is not happening. He’s disappointed about it, but has been working through an injury. He loves this and continued to fight. He has back and hip issues, and a broken hand. But if you ignore problems, they don’t go away. He saw a doctor and was told his back is garbage. He has to get the problems fixed, and has been trying to get them fixed, and he hasn’t been able to train. He wants to be the best, but if he can’t he shouldn’t be in the ring. The title and fans deserve better. He’s not giving up the title, he’ll fix the problems and come back and kick ass. He then asks who wants brunch and has the boys bring out some treats and they toss them to the crowd. This was pretty shitty of ROH to wait an hour into the show to announce this.

– Taven is out with the Kingdom. He rants about Castle being a bitch that lost his smile. He says he should be handed the ROH title since Castle won’t defend against him. He again claims a conspiracy against he and the Kingdom. He will not leave here until he kills the conspiracy, and will come back as the ROH champion.

Coast 2 Coast (LSG & Ali) vs. The Kingdom (Vinny & O’Ryan) : The Kingdom still has possession of the ROH Six Man Titles. C2C has been on a roll as of late. Taven joins commentary. LSG and O’Ryan start us off, working some fast paced back and forth. They work into a stand off. The Kingdom takes over, working double teams and quick tags. LSG hits a dropkick and covers for 2. Ali tags in and they double team Vinny, covering for 2. O’Ryan in and cuts off Ali, quick tags follow and they double team Ali. Ali fires back with a leg lariat and a head butt. LSG in and Vinny hides under the ring. Ali chases and gets pulled under the ring. LS tries to save him, and now the ref gets pulled under the ring. O’Ryan back in the ring and C2C reappear. Vinny follows with his ax. He chases them, the ref takes the ax and C2C runs wild back in the ring with double teams and covers for 2. O’Ryan cuts off LSG, hits a big right and tags in Vinny. The Kingdom takes over as Vinny runs wild and covers for 2. Ali & O’Ryan in as it breaks down, O’Ryan gets tossed and double teams on Vinny follow, they head up top and O’Ryan cuts off coast-to-coast, and O’Ryan hits a cutter and Vinny hits the swanton. SoCal Uncensored arrives, steals the titles back and LSG gets a roll up for the win. Coast 2 Coast defeated The Kingdom @ 8:35 via pin [**] This was ok, but had too much bullshit to be anything more.

– The Kingdom challenges the champions for the six-man titles.

Bully Ray vs. Cheeseburger: Bully shoves Burger down and Burger fires up and attacks with strikes. Bully cuts him off and hits a toss powerbomb. Burger pulls himself up, but Bully powerbombs him again, that one was sloppy. Burger is still alive, crawls to his feet and hits another powerbomb. Bully takes time to celebrate, grabs his chain and looks to attack. The ref takes it and Bully low blows Burger. Bully on the floor, talking shit to the fans, turning his back on the ring. Bully gets counted out. Cheeseburger defeated Bully Ray @ 5:17 via countout [NR] This was all angle, but imagine dedicating this much time and effort to Bully Ray in 2018. In theory this will be used to get Burger over, but that implies faith in Lizard man’s booking.

– Bully powerbombs Burger again post match. He looks to deliver one on the floor, but just tosses Burger down before leaving.

Roppongi 3k (Sho, Yoh, & Rocky Romero) vs. Cody, Adam Page & Marty Scurll: Burnard the Business bear is out with Cody, Burnard got a bigger pop than half of the people on the card. Marty & Romero to begin. Nope, Cody tags himself in and he will start as his issues with Marty continue. They lock up, Romero looks to take control, but Cody escapes. Cody with a takedown, but Romero sidesteps and dumps him. Romero teases a dive and does his little dance. Marty tags in and Sho is in as well. They lock up, Marty works a slick escape and celebrates. The crowd loves Marty. He lays in rights on Sho, but Yoh tags in and they work double teams and clear the ring. Yoh grounds Marty & mocks him, and hits a running senton for 2. Burnard trips up Yoh, allowing Marty to attack. Page in and works over Yoh in the corner, and the belly to back suplex gets 2. Cody tags in and continues to work over Yoh. Marty tags back in and he and Cody work double teams, Yoh tries to fire back, Cody teases shattered dreams, which allows Yoh to battle back and tag Sho in. Sho runs wild, hitting dropkicks and a RANA. The fisherman’s suplex gets 2. He transitions to an arm bar, but page makes the save. 3K clears out the ring, working over Marty and the double knees get 2. Page cuts off the double team, and Marty hits the ghostbuster for 2 on Sho. He now looks for the chicken wing, but Cody tags in. Hot tag to Romero and he runs wild on Bullet Club. Forever clotheslines follow. The RANA to Page follows and clotheslines to Cody & Marty follow. Sho in and starts throwing Germans until Marty cuts him off. It breaks down into the big move buffet, Romero hits a cutter on Cody for 2 and Marty makes the save. The superkick follows and Marty then accidentally superkicks Burnard! Cody is pissed, and they argue. Page tries to make the peace, 3k returns and they all trade strikes. Knee strikes by 3k follow and they follow with a trio of dives. Back in and Romero hits a RANA on Cody. Cody cuts off the cutter, and pins him with cross Rhodes. Bullet Club defeated Roppongi 3k @ 14:55 via pin [***] This was a good and fun tag that brought back some much-needed energy to the show, but the booking comes off as poor, considering 3K has a trios title shot coming on the tour.

Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, & SANADA vs. Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, & Brian Milonas: EVIL & Young to begin. They lock up and Young takes EVIL down by the hair. An eye poke follows, but EVIL fires back with a superkick. The shoulder tackle follows and Naito tags in. Naito poses, and the Bruiser & Milonas attack. That allows Young to take control, tagging in Milonas. They work over Naito in the corner, and Bruiser tags in. He stomps on Naito’s face, and then bites him. The slam follows, and Young tags back in and continues to control on Naito. Young takes time to talk trash, Naito fires back and they trade strikes. Bruiser tags back in, taking Naito down with strikes. The heels work over Naito in the corner and Bruiser covers for 2. Naito fires back, and hits a tornado DDT. Tag to SANADA, and he is in and runs wild with dropkicks. Young in and SANADA locks him in the paradise lock. The dropkick follows, and Bruiser cuts off SANADA. Milonas back in and double teams follow. SANADA avoids a splash and tags in EVIL. EVIL Works over Milonas, hitting a broncobuster. Naito in and LIJ runs wild. It breaks down, the heels take control and Bruiser almost drops Naito. SANADA saves Naito, but Milonas hits a powerbomb on SANADA. Milonas goes after EVIL, we get some apron doves and LIJ powerbombs Milonas. They now triple team him and SANADA hits a plancha. EVIL hits everything is evil for the win. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, & SANADA defeated Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser, & Brian Milonas @ 9:50 via pin [**¼] This was ok, with LIJ largely playing the hits and doing the bare minimum against a set of inferior opponents. It was about what I expected.

Champion Jay White vs. Chuckie T vs. Jay Lethal: These three were to face SoCal Uncensored, but the card got reshuffled, so we get this. White & Chuckie are CHAOS members in NJPW. Lethal has to fight off both at the bell. They quickly cut him off, but lethal fires back with chops. White cuts him off and he and Chuckie look for double teams, but Lethal dumps them and follows with a trio of suicide dives. Back in and Lethal covers White for 2. Up top and Lethal hits the double ax handle for 2.Chuckie back in and saves White, Lethal fights him off and that allows White to hit a Saito suplex on Lethal. Chuckie celebrates and he and White lay the boots to Lethal. White hits a backbreaker and takes Lethal to the floor. They brawl and White beats the count back in. He and Chuckie continue to work over Lethal, White hits a dropkick and Lethal is down. More double teams on Lethal follow, and Lethal tries to fire back and lays in chops. White hits another Saito suplex and Lethal rolls to the floor. Chuckie looks for a hug, but White teases blade runner on him. Lethal back in and Lethal hits the lethal combo on Chuckie. The cutter on White follows. Lethal up top and then drops down into the figure four on White. White makes the ropes and rolls to the floor. Lethal follows and Chuckie wipes them out with a tope. Back in and Chuckie hits a sitout powerbomb for 2. White is back in and brawls with Chuckie. White cuts off the deal, but Chuckie hits soul food. White cuts him off with a German, Lethal back in with a superkick, and White cuts off lethal injection. Lethal hits it on the second try, but Chuckie runs in and cradles him for the win. Chuckie T defeated Jay White & Jay Lethal @ 10:55 via pin [***] This was a good match, I liked the Chuckie & White dynamic. Chuckie picks up the win ahead of facing lethal at the Sunday TV tapings.

Champions So Cal Uncensored (Kaz, Sky, & Daniels) vs. The Kingdom (Taven, Vinny, & O’Ryan): The story of the feud has been that The Kingdom stole the titles over Mania weekend, claiming that they were never defeated for the titles. The champions attack at the bell, and that leads to floor brawling. Daniels gets posted as the Kingdom takes control. They triple team Sky in the ring and Taven follows with a huge tope to the floor. Back in and O’Ryan and Kaz trade strikes, they work to the floor and Kaz goes under the ring. He’s back out and Vinny chokes him out with the balloons and double teams follow. The Kingdom now works over Daniels; Taven goes lucha for a bit and follows with a dropkick for 2. Daniels battles back as Kaz tosses O’Ryan. Back in and Daniels works him over. Daniels hits a slingshot leg drop and Kaz follows with another. Sky hits a splash for 2. Quick tags by the champions as Kaz grounds O’Ryan. He then chokes him out in the ropes. The champions work triple teams, and Kaz covers for 2. Daniels in and he now grounds O’Ryan. They trade strikes and Vinny distracts Daniels and allowing O’Ryan to make the tag. Kaz in as well, Taven runs wild and Vinny joins in. They now double team Daniels and Taven hits a lionsault for 2. The Kingdom looks for rock star supernova, but the champions breaks it up. Taven connects with the knee strike on Daniels for 2. The champions now work over Taven, Sky hits a RANA, and that gets 2. It breaks down, the Kingdom isolates Daniels and a series of triple teams and the swanton follows. Sky flies in and breaks it up, Kaz takes out O’Ryan and hits a cutter. Daniels cuts off Vinny, and hits the BME for 2 as Taven pulls out the ref. Sky hits a dive, ref bump. O’Ryan hits a DDT on Daniels, but no ref. Belt shot by Kaz, and accidentally hits Daniels. Taven hits the frog splash for the win. The Kingdom defeated Champions So Cal Uncensored @ 14:20 via pin [***½] This was a very good, and high energy tag match that played off of the feud well. But if I am being honest, the title change felt like an apology for no world title match. Still, this was very good and enjoyable.

The Young Bucks vs. BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi: Daryl Takahashi Jr is out with Hiromu. LIJ attacks right away, tossing Nick and working over Matt. Nick back in and we get a stand off. The Bucks hit dropkicks and follow with planchas. Double teams follow on Takahashi as BUSHI gets sent to the floor. BUSHI back in and he fights them off hitting a RANA on both. The double boots and missile dropkick follows. BUSHI now chokes out Matt with his shirt. Takahashi tags in and LIJ work double teams. They then work over Nick and dump him. Takahashi lays in chops on Matt, hits a dropkick to the back and tags BUSHI back in. BUSHI grounds things, working the STF. Matt makes the ropes. Matt tries to fire up, but LIJ cuts him off. Takahashi lays in more chops, and picks up the pace, hitting a dropkick for 2. Mat fights back, dumps him and follows with a dive. BUSHI cuts off Matt, Takahashi in and hits a suplex for 2. Matt hits a desperation spear and tags in hot tag Nick. Nick runs wild with kicks, Matt joins him and they get stereo sharp shooters. They now work over Takahashi with double teams. The cover gets 2 as Takahashi manages to kick out. Takahashi fights off more bang for your buck, Nick accidentally hits Matt and Takahashi hits a German for 2. He follows with a superkick for 2. LIJ looks for the doomsday MX, Nick cuts it off and Matt hits a superplex and Nick hits the 450. Everyone is down. The Bucks fire up and hit superkicks. The Meltzer diver is cut of by BUSHI. BUSHI then mists Matt. Matt throws superkicks, and ends up hitting Nick. He then locks on the sharpshooter on the ref. Nick gets water and washes out Matt’s eyes. BUSHI takes out Nick, but Nick fires back with superkicks until Takahashi hits the sunset bomb to the floor. Destroyer on matt by BUSHI. The Bucks cut off Takahashi on the floor, BUSHI hits a dive and back in, the Bucks hit the Meltzer driver on BUSHI for the win. The Young Bucks defeated BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi @ 14:40 via pin [***½] This was another very good tag match, closing out the show on a positive note. The match was about what you’d expect, a solid, but fun beginning as they slowly picked up the pace and broke down into some really wild and tremendously fun stuff. It wasn’t the Bucks best outing, but it was a lot of fun.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Average
The 411
Night one of the ROH War of The Worlds tour didn’t shake out as most expected, due to the card being shuffled due to Dalton Castle’s injury. That led to new matches, a new main event, and an unexpected title change. The show was a pretty good one overall, with some good wrestling, but nothing must-see.